Category: News

(Italiano) BookPride – i nostri e20

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Press “The Cloud Artist”

"The Cloud Artist" by Giorgia Simoncelli (cover Paolo d'Altan) The book is an exciting story set in a Victorian London, inhabited by cloud artists, strange machines and court intrigues. Below the reviews. Il mestiere di leggereIl Libraio_ Premio Strega Ragazzi e Ragazze 2021 libro di Premio Strega Ragazzi e Ragazze 2021 libro di esordioIl …

(Italiano) Il pesce e l’uccellino – rassegna stampa

Press Review Il Giornale WebNella NotiziaNotizie NazionaliIntopicDG NewsComunicati-StampaOcchio All'ArteInformazione.itleggere tuttiStreetnewsLa Gazzetta dello spettacolo

Arcobaligia – Press

Arcobaligia In this section you can find reviews or interviews with the author of the book. Notizie NazionaliIntopicNella NotiziaEventi e Cultura MagazineIl giornale webIl tabloidLa Notte online

My Stories – Press

My Stories In this section you can find reviews or interviews with the author of the book. Il Giornale WebIl tabloid - CulturaEventi Cultura MagazineLeggere a Colori - anteprimaMamamòLa Tartaruga

(Italiano) Luce, inquadratura e profondità

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How do I publish beautiful black and white photographs online?

by Benedetta Frezzotti When photography was born it was in black and white and has been for years, the virtuosos of photography and film have perfected subtleties and specific techniques to get the best from their shots. When the first color films arrived, the rendering was unrealistic, there was an excessive pastel effect for fine …

The pocket world

by Alessandra Florio     In the sixties, televisions were not as common as they are today: often, in a neighborhood, there was only one. It was big, with two knobs: if you wanted to change channels, you had to get up and you couldn’t zap. There was no remote control. And if you woke …

1. How to publish beautiful photographs online

Come postare belle fotografie: il colore di Benedetta Frezzotti   If the desire is to create emotions with your photographs, you need to remember some simple tricks to make your image unique. One of the first things to keep in mind is color. Color is important because it creates the right atmosphere, speaks to the …

Terzo premio XV Concorso per ill

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