DA BAMBINO A BAMBINO – From Child To Child

Interactive Book

How can you explain to a child that he or she will be adopted? The complexity of this task should not discourage because preparation is fundamental to the success of the placement.

In order to explain adoption, we decided to use the words of those children who have lived it on their skin. The story of Moїse, an African child waiting to go abroad with a family, was built around these stories. Moїse is the protagonist of an illustrated e-book that, through animations, interactivity and a multi-lingual audio, facilitates reading and allows the reader to become an active part of the story.

This project was conceived for the children on hold in the adoption process, but also for those already adopted who want to redefine the pieces of their history. And for parents, teachers and professionals who accompany them. The e-book, commissioned by ARAI (the public service for international adoptions born in the Piedmont Region and affiliated with Valle d’Aosta, Liguria, Lazio and Calabria), published by Edizioni Piuma with text and illustrations by Benedetta Frezzotti, is divided into 10 chapters. Every chapter focuses o a different phase of the adoptive journey: since when Moїse discovers that he will be adopted until his full integration into a new context and his nostalgic feelings for his birthplace.
More importantly, the emotions and questions of the little protagonist find ample space because not only the child has the right to know to what is about to happen, but also he/she needs to be reassured about his/her thoughts and feelings.

A child awaiting adoption poses many questions. How to explain to him or her what a mum and a dad are? That there’s a new life abroad? How many things in his/her life will change? That being patient is part of the process?
With this e-book in chapters you finally have a way to make it “child-friendly”.

“Da Bambino a Bambino” is thought to be used also in the countries of origin and for this it is available in French and morè (an African language) and has been revised by some cultural mediators.

This e-book connects operators from different continents, as well as the past and the future of each child’s story.

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