New books

See you in Frankfurt

Sci-Fi book fair

Strega Prize girls and boys
Selection Category 8+
“Rita e il giro della morte” Sara Beltrame, illustrations Tommaso Vidus Rosin

Edizioni Piuma at the Salone del Libro – Torino – PAV 2 Stand J17

Edizioni Piuma at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair – Pad 25 Stand A3

Edizioni Piuma is full of energy and drive. Between chosen projects and those still in the pipeline, we work to ignite sparks in the world of our young readers. Edizioni Piuma is an independent publishing house that is hybrid in its content, both print and interactive.
It publishes illustrated books, children’s fiction and digital projects. She wants to develop projects in which the reading experience is redesigned according to a multi-sensory and dynamic approach to story learning.

Read Here
The pleasure of reading for foreign children
On February 28, 2022 Edizioni Piuma met with experts and authors on a topic that is very close to our hearts: inclusive reading. If you are interested in it, you can watch the video online on our Facebook page: Video Event
Edizioni Piuma opens a discussion table on the need to facilitate access by foreign children to Italian culture in a quick and pleasant way.
The goal is to share with teachers, librarians and booksellers opportunities and methodologies to improve integration among adolescents.
During the meeting we will talk about the field experience gained by the writer Evelina Santangelo, author of the book “From another world” and Head of the Literary Program for the ed. 2016 of the Festival of Migrant Literature.
Maria Antonietta Nigro, a teacher with twenty years of experience, will delve into the issues raised by first and second generation foreign pupils.
We will discover the world of MLOL Scuola, the service that brings ebooks, newspapers from all over the world, audiobooks and many other digital contents to Italian schools.
Finally, with Benedetta Frezzotti, we will learn about the new AKAbook series, published by Edizioni Piuma, dedicated to facilitated reading for adolescents.
Evelina Santangelo – author
Benedetta Frezzotti – author
Maria Antonietta Nigro – teacher of Letters and consultant for scholastic publishers
For MLOL – Paola Para and Francesco Pandini – digital library project managers
Francesca Di Martino – publisher

Our audiobook
“Salis and the balance of the Kingdoms”
Voice Erika Urban / Directed by Fred Santambrogio / Music Matteo Manzitti / Choir Young Op 44 /Direzione Pilar Bravo

A new series dedicated to foreign children aged 11 and up who want to read stories suitable for their age but written in a simpler way to better understand the Italian language.
Akabook is also in ebook accessible and available in the digital library MLOL (only in the Italian territory).

From Child to Child
From Child to Child is a project created in collaboration with the Piedmont Region for long-distance adoptions.

About Us
In December of 2018 Edizioni Piuma has changed step: after a past experience of self-publishing, today our small publishing company has a great desire to grow. We believe that working with passion and commitment is the right engine to achieve the high quality that we have imagined to achieve. The path we have undertaken is to give space to authors and illustrators with valid projects, to let us surprise and excite with their ideas and their skills. Rediscovering and rewriting classics or inventing new narrative worlds are just some of the ideas that make our small publishing house grow, with a catalogue in continuous growth.
Working for us is also accompanying the children and young people of today in their journey of growth as young readers, trying to cultivate the love for stories and make them abandon the idea that reading is just a great effort. Words and images are our tools and our dreams to immerse ourselves in the colors of adventure that, for us, change constantly in such a fast and changing world.