Clouds Artist – ebook


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Clouds Artist

Author Giorgia Simoncelli

Age 11+
Pages 168
Format EPUB3 con DRMFREE
€ 4,99
EAN 9788897443346

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Prize finalist: Libro di Esordio al PREMO STREGA RAGAZZI E RAGAZZE 2021

Award Simonetta Lamberti, Cava de’ Tirreni’s XXXVII edition

Mention at the Yellow Garda Festival

Key sales points

  • Adverture
  • Steampunk
  • Victorian era setting
  • the subject of perseverance

“Everyone has the right to raise their head and dream. This is the phrase of the greatest cloud artist of all time!”

A brief message is the last thing Ally Mills received from her father Grover, the greatest cloud artist in all of England, who disappeared after travelling to Lettelton with his White Wings. When he receives the visit of the Prime Minister’s secretary, who asks what happened to “the clouds” and their draftsman, Ally understands that her father is in serious danger. From here begins for Ally a surprising journey full of twists and turns in search of dear father.

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